Is It Regularly Drinking Coffee Can Make Insomnia?
Jakarta, Starting from high school I regularly start coffee consumption especially black coffee every morning. But I do not know when to start when the insomnia starts, every time I sleep a few small things or a few tones that slowly can make me wake up and surprised amaze, fast heartbeat and excessive fear makes me difficult to sleep again. Who wants me to ask, is it because I have coffee or something else? Please help, because this kind of thing runs long enough. Thanks. Ayu (Single Women, 24 Th.) MysteriousXXXX @ rocketmail. com, Body Height 147 Cm, Weight Body 40 KgAnswer: Thank you for your belief Ayu to us. Sleep problems can be classified so: 1. The problem of sleep rhythm guard2. Sleeping problems and sleeping insomnia. 3. Problems associated with sleep or excessive drowsiness is meant hipersomnia. 4. Dysfunction or problems associated with sleep state, sleep phase or condition of parasomnia referred to. For example: sleeping on the street (somnambulisme). A little we will also review about insomnia. Insomnia is a state in which a person can not sleep as he hopes, or a pathological disability to sleep. In short, unable to sleep because there is' something. There are three types of insomnia: 1. Can not sleep or insomnia (initial insomnia): This condition is often found in young patients with anxiety (ansietas), generally runs 1-3 hours, but because it feels so tired or exhausted, in the end he doze off too. 2. Wake up late so many times: the patient can go to sleep easily, but after 2-3 hours awaken once again. This kind of thing repeats many times in one night. 3. Wake up early in the morning, for example at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. This is commonly referred to as terminal insomnia. The patient sleeps easily and is soundly asleep, but early in the morning has awakened and can not sleep again. Commonly found in depressed patients. What causes insomnia? Insomnia many triggers, including: 1. Uncomfortable air temperature, for example it is very hot or very cold. 2. There is a disturbing tone or sound. 3. Elevation of place / place from sea level. Insomnia is often encountered by mountaineers at an altitude of 3500 mtr. or more above sea level. This state of affairs in the medical world is referred to as mountain sickness. 4. There is a specific disease or set of signs (syndromes), such as: brain tumor, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's syndrome, arteriosclerosis, dementia, fever, severe pulmonary tuberculosis, coronary heart disease, peripheral neuropathy, restless legs syndrome, nocturnal seizures), Parkinson's disease, neuromuscular disorders, rheumatologic syndromes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, obesity hypoventilation syndrome. If you had to suffer from diabetes or there is a disease story above, it is better to consult a doctor, because it can also trigger insomnia. 5. Psychiatric problems, such as affective problems, neurotic problems, depression, specific personality problems, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, etc. 6. Consumption of stimulants (central nervous stimulants), such as: caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, etc. A little additional info, according to the study, patients with insomnia 9, 8 times more likely to be significantly affected by depression and 17, 3 times more likely to suffer significant anxiety than those who do not suffer from insomnia. The results of our analysis are based on the guidelines below: 'Every time I sleep a few small things or a few tones that slowly can make me wake up and surprised amaze, fast heartbeat and excessive fear makes me difficult to sleep again'. 'Since high school I regularly start coffee consumption especially black coffee every morning'. Based on this info so there is a chance sdri Ayu bear the pain of insomnia. Perhaps because of the routine coffee consumption since high school. For more convincing, please consult a doctor to obtain the right treatment. So many of our answers, hopefully useful. dr. Dito Anurogo Currently working at RSI PKU Muhammadiyah, Campus Palangka Raya, Campus PGRI Palangka Raya. Netsains health consultant. com. Doctor researcher hematopsikiatri as well as medicopomology. The author of 'How to Handle Impotence' and 'How to Handle Menstrual Pain', wrote a scientific paper on Stroke Biomarkers with scientists at University of Wisconsin, USA. Currently doing research on pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomic with scientists from the University of California, Irvine, USA. Researcher hematopsikiatri (knowledge learned braided group blood with personality, lifestyle and tendency of disease flow, prevent and solve it). Medicopomology researcher (fruit beneficial medicine). (ver / ir)
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Really Drinking Coffee Can Make Insomnia? Jakarta, Since high school I regularly start to consume coffee, especially black coffee every morning. But I do not know since when to start having insomnia, everytime I sleep small things and slow sounds can make me wake up and shocked amazing, fast heartbeat and excessive fear makes me difficult to sleep again. Who I want to ask, whether is it because I consume coffee or something else? Please help, as this goes on for quite a while. Thank You.Ayu (Female Single, 24 Years) mysteriousXXXX @, Height 147 Cm, Weight 40 KgAnswer: Thank you for trust Ayu to us. Sleep disorders can be grouped into: 1. Disorders of sleep rhythm guard2. Sleep disorders and maintaining sleep are called insomnia. Sleep-related disorders or excessive sleepiness called hypersomnia.4. Dysfunction or disorder related to sleeping conditions, sleeping stages or guarded states called parasomnia. For example: sleep walking (somnambulisme). A little we will discuss about insomnia. Insomnia is a condition in which a person can not sleep as he hopes, or a pathological disability to sleep. In short, can not sleep because there is' something.There are three types of insomnia: 1. Can not or difficult to go to sleep (initial insomnia): This condition is often found in young patients with anxiety (ansietas), usually last 1-3 hours, but due to feel very tired or exhausted, he finally fell asleep also.2. Waking up in the middle of the night several times: the sufferer can go to sleep easily, but after 2-3 hours woke up again. This is repeated several times in one night.3. Wake up early in the morning, for example at 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning. This is commonly called terminal insomnia. Patients sleep easily and quite soundly, but early in the morning had woken up and could not sleep anymore. Usually found in people with depression. What causes insomnia? Insomnia many causes, among others: 1. Uncomfortable air temperature, for example, felt too hot or too cold.2. There is a disturbing sound or sound. Elevation of place / location from sea level. Insomnia is often experienced by mountain climbers at an altitude of 3500 meters or more above sea level. This condition in the medical world is called mountain sickness. The presence of certain diseases or syndromes, such as brain tumors, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's syndrome, arteriosclerosis, dementia, fever, severe pulmonary tuberculosis, coronary heart disease, peripheral neuropathy, restless legs syndrome, nocturnal seizures ), Parkinson's disease, neuromuscular disorders, rheumatologic syndromes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, obesity hypoventilation syndrome. If you have had diabetes or a history of the disease, consult a physician , because it can also trigger insomnia.5. Psychiatric disorders, such as: affective disorders, neurotic disorders, depression, certain personality disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, etc. 6. Consuming stimulants (central nervous stimulants), such as caffeine, nicotine, amphetamines, etc. Little additional information, according to research, patients with insomnia 9.8 times more likely to be significantly affected by depression and 17.3 times more likely to suffer anxiety (anxiety) is also significantly significant compared to people who do not suffer from insomnia. Our analysis results are based on the following guidelines: 'Everytime I sleep the small things as well as the quiet noises can make me wake up and startled incredibly, the rapid heartbeat and excessive fear makes it hard to sleep again '.' Since high school I regularly started to consume coffee, especially black coffee every morning'.Based on this information then it is possible sdri Ayu suffer from insomnia. It could be caused by the habit of consuming coffee since SMA.Untuk more sure, please consult a doctor to get the treatment (treatment) yang.Semikian our answer, hopefully useful.dr. Dito Anurogo Currently working at RSI PKU Muhammadiyah, Palangkaraya University, PGRI University Palangkaraya. Health consultant Doctor researcher hematopsikiatri and medicopomology. Author of 'How To Overcome Impotence' and 'How To Handle Menstrual Pain', wrote a scientific paper on Stroke Biomarkers with scientists at University of Wisconsin, USA. Currently conducting research on pharmacogenetic and pharmacogenomics with scientists from the University of California, Irvine, USA. Researchers hematopsikiatri (the study of the relationship of blood type with personality, lifestyle and disease pattern trends, prevention and solution). Researcher Medicopomology (fruit efficacious drug). (Ver / ir)
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